Selecting a Recovery Methodology

Choosing Your Recovery Path

Finding the right recovery method is a personal journey. Here's how to navigate your options:

1. Assess Your Needs

• Consider your goals: abstinence or moderation?

• Reflect on your personal beliefs: consider spiritual, scientific, or secular approaches.

• Think about your schedule and lifestyle: is there a relevant community in your area?

2. Explore Options

• Research different methodologies.

• Attend open meetings or introductory sessions.

• Talk to addiction specialists or counselors.

3. Be Flexible

• It's okay to try multiple approaches.

• Combine elements from different programs if needed.

• Adjust your strategy as you progress.

Remember: There's no one-size-fits-all solution. The best method is the one that works for you. Start somewhere, stay committed, and be open to change. Your recovery journey is unique – embrace it.

  • 12 Steps

    12 Step Based programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), emphasize spiritual growth, personal accountability, and peer support through a structured series of steps.

  • Alternative Recovery

    Alternative Recovery include secular and holistic options like SMART Recovery, which focuses on self-empowerment and cognitive-behavioral techniques, or holistic practices like yoga and meditation that promote overall well-being.

  • Treatments & Therapy

    Treatments & Therapy often involve medical interventions, including detoxification and medication-assisted treatment, combined with various forms of therapy like CBT, motivational interviewing, and family therapy.

  • Principles

    The principles underlying these methodologies emphasize a combination of personal responsibility, community support, and the development of coping strategies that aim to foster long-term recovery and improve quality of life.